Biosecurity is always of paramount
importance. However, we feel it especially
important to bring to your attention that we
are seeing and hearing of PED cases being
confirmed this winter. We strongly encourage
you to review and modify biosecurity
protocols as necessary. Proactive measures are
easier and less costly to implement than reactive
measures. We encourage you to review your
protocols and any suspicions of PED with our
veterinarians. A line of separation, barn-specific
boots, and complete cleaning, disinfection, and
drying of trucks and trailers are all key points
we would stress to all producers.
We at SAC take internal biosecurity and
the health of your farm very seriously and our
delivery personnel are well-aware of PED sites.
We utilize disposable footwear when on-site,
clean and disinfect our vehicles inside and out,
and prioritize farm visits and deliveries based
on health status to the best of our knowledge
and ability.